










*Additional edited images - £20 each

What to wear:

Before deciding what tops to bring for your session, it is really important to be clear about what your casting is/what types of roles you are being put for and how you and your agent (if you have one) want this to come across in your photos.  Generally you’ll want one headshot that shows you in a relatable, warm way in addition to other ways you want to sell yourself- eg/ cheeky/charismatic look for comedic roles, bold print/vintage top for a quirky/trendy role, nice blouse for a professional worker etc if these are the casting types that you suit. We want to hint at these elements rather than dressing up fully in character. I recommend looking at other headshots to see what you like and to get inspiration and to bring a range of items to try on the day - the more choice we have, we can look through together to see what will work best on camera.  Any tops which bring out the colour of your eyes are great. I always ask for your spotlight link before the session so I can also offer advice on casting/what to wear before the day of the session too.

Should I wear make up? Make-up can really help to brighten the face, accentuate your best features & hide tiredness.  I would recommend that women wear some basic make-up (light foundation/powder, mascara, possibly eyeliner) and to ideally groom the eyebrows to help shape the eyes.  Generally we'll avoid bright lipstick (unless you want to go for a specific look) but a little splash of colour to bring out the lips can work. Basically you want to look like yourself but on a great day - energised with your best features accentuated. Please bring along any make-up, hair products on the day and we can touch up as required.

What should I do about my hair? I wouldn’t recommend doing anything drastic with your hair close to the shoot so if possible, please have any haircuts or colouring at least a week before the session. Please bring a hairbrush (if required), and for longer hairstyles,  hairbands, clips and products (hairspray etc) if you want to play about with hair up or in different styles. I will keep an eye on your hair throughout the shoot.

What is involved with editing/retouching? Editing involves tweaking the colours, exposure and sharpness to help make your headshots 'pop' and stand out. If needed, I do some light retouches to remove any blemishes but as your headshot needs to be a true representation of you, I keep my retouching to a minimum.

What happens if it is raining on the day of an outdoor shoot? I always do my best to check weather forecasts in advance of the shoot but if the weather takes a turn for the worse, we will arrange to shoot indoors or shoot on another date to suit both parties.

How do you accept payment for the shoot? I accept both bank transfers and cash payments.

Can I order more photos at a later stage? Yes. All the photos from your session will be saved on my server for up to a year after the shoot. 

What are your terms and conditions?

For crediting purposes, please use © Lesley Cook Photography

Only retouched images may be used by the client and may not be manipulated or retouched by a third party. Original/unedited raw files are not provided.

As set out by the Copyright and Design Act 1988, the photographer retains the copyright to all the images and has the rights to use and reproduce the images within their marketing including online websites. However permission will be obtained before using images featuring children and for use of client’s images on social media. Lesley Cook Photography grants the client an unlimited license to utilise the edited images for their own marketing use, such as online and professional profiles.

If the Client wishes to supply the images to a third party for commercial or editorial purposes, the Photographer must be notified and written consent given. All images must be credited as Lesley Cook Photography, and where appropriate, a license fee arranged.

STORAGE OF FILES - It is the responsibility of the client to fully download and save the final images to their hard drives/own online storage for safekeeping. All final retouched images and gallery files will be stored by the photographer for 1 year. It is possible to order additional files in this time. In the unlikely event of images being lost through equipment malfunction or damaged without fault on the part of the Photographer, their liability shall be limited to a full refund of payments received from the Client. The Photographer has Public Liability Insurance.